Nestle unlawfully bottledspring water for 100 years
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Washington: The water regulator of the US State of California has said that the beverage corporate giant Nestle had illegally diverted and bottled water from mountain springs for over 100 years, the media reported. The bottled water is sold under Arrowhead, a household brand whose label reads “Since 1894.”
Nestle sold the bottled water business in 2021 and Nestle Waters North America began operating under the new name BlueTriton Brands later, Xinhua news agency reported.
California State Water Resources Control Board ordered the company to stop drawing water for bottling from most of its water-collection sites in the San Bernardino Mountains by November 1 and has given it 30 days to appeal to the board.
The Board began investigation in 2015 after receiving a number of complaints against Nestle Waters North America from individuals and organisations as well as a petition signed by hundreds of people, according to the agency’s documents.